Κεφάλαια σε Βιβλία
Korfiatis K. (2018). Ecology. In Kampourakis K. and M. Reiss (eds), Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues, and Trends. New York: Routledge.
Petrou, S., & Korfiatis, K. (2018). Multi-dimensional Learning Environments: School Kitchen-Gardens, Environmental Literacy and Empowerment for Action. Honorary: Prof. emeritus Mairy Koutselini. Nicosia: Dept. of Education, University of Cyprus, 387-410.
Petrou S. & K. Korfiatis (2016). School Kitchen-Gardens as Innovative Learning Environments for Supporting Environmental Education Pedagogies: Opportunities and Challenges for Teachers, Students and the Community. In Wallace K (ed.) Learning Environments: emerging theories. Applications and Future Directions. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, 51-72.
Lefkaditi A., Korfiatis K., & T. Hovardas (2014). Contextualizing the Teaching and Learning of Ecology: Historical and Philosophical Considerations. R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer, pp. 523-550.
Korfiatis K. (2012). Current Τrends in Environmental Education Practice: From Awareness to Action (in Greek). Evagorou M & L. Avramidou (eds), Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Science Education. Athens: Diadrasi, pp. 181-194.
Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2008). Applying Social Representations Theory in Educational Evaluation: a Methodological Framework. In: Ortiz, M. & Rubio, Cl. (Eds.), Educational Evaluation: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 1-29.
Korfiatis K., & Paraskevopoulos (2005). Mosquitoes, Environmental Education and the Usefulness of Philosophy (in Greek). In Georgopoulos, A. (ed.) Environmental Education: a New Culture Emerges. Athens. Gutenberg eds.
Korfiatis K., (2002). The Science of Ecology and the Management and Protection of Nature (in Greek). Series: Environmental Editions, General Secretariat of New Generation and National Centre of Social Research, Athens, pp. 29-58.
Korfiatis K., (1999). Nature, under the Light of Current Theoretical Ecology (in Greek), in M. Modinos & E. Euthimiopoulos (eds) Nature and Ecology, Athens, Stochastis eds., pp. 32-44.
Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1997). Biology in Greece, today (in Greek), in Sarikas Z. () Kanon: the Present of Sciences in Greece, Thesaloniki, Cultural Capital of Europe Editions, pp163-174.
Korfiatis K., (1996). The Science of Ecology and the Theory of Ecological Movement (in Greek), in Iatrou G. & T. Mardiris (eds.) Ecology-Society-Education: Reality and Possibilities in Greece, Athens, Livanis Eds., pp. 176-193.
Korfiatis K., (1990). Ecology, Environment and the Environmental Movement (in Greek), in Ecologization of Thought (collection of essays), Athens, Alternative editions, pp. 82-91
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Christodoulou A. & K. Korfiatis (2018). Children's interest in school garden projects, environmental motivation and intention to act: A case study from a primary school of Cyprus, Applied Environmental Education & Communication, DOI: 1080/1533015X.2017.1419104
Korfiatis, K. (2016). Science Education Journals as Hosts of Environmental Education Research: Perspectives and Trends in the 21th Century. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(16), 9489-9506.
Hadjihambi-Paraskeva D., Hadjihambis A., & Κ. Korfiatis (2015). How Students’ Values are intertwined with Decisions in a Socio-scientific Issue. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 2015, 10(3), 493-513.
Petrou St., & K. Korfiatis (2015). School Kitchen-gardens as Innovative Learning Environments: The Educational Material ‘Think-Cooperate-Act’, (in Greek). Journal for Environmental Education, 8(53), http://www.peekpemagazine.gr/issue/482
Petrou St., & K. Korfiatis (2013). The Effect of a Digital Learning Environment on Children’s Conceptions About the Protection of Endemic Plants, Journal of Biological Education, 47(3): 150-156.
Korfiatis K. (2013). Aims and Insights for Environmental Education in the 21th Century (in Greek). Journal for Environmental Education, 4: peekpemagazine.gr/article/2013/4.
Hadjihambi-Paraskeva D., Korfiatis K, Hadjihambis A., & M. Arianoutsou (2012). Conservation Reasoning and Proposed Actions for the Protection of Threatened Plant Species: Insights from a Sample of Rural and Urban Children of Cyprus. Society and Natural Resources, 25(9): 868-882.
Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2012). Effects of an Environmental Education Course on Consensus Estimates for Pro-environmental Intentions. Environment & Behavior. 44(6): 760-784.
Korfiatis K., & S. D. Tunnicliffe (2012). The Living World in the Curriculum: Ecology, an Essential Part of Biology Learning. Journal of Biological Education. 46(3): 125-127.
Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2012). Adolescents' Beliefs about the Wolf: Investigating the Potential of Human-Wolf Coexistence in the European South. Society and Natural Resources. 25(12): 1277-1292.
Hovardas T., & K. Korfiatis (2011). Towards a Critical Re-Appraisal of Ecology Education: Scheduling an Educational Intervention to Revisit the ‘Balance of Nature’ Metaphor. Science & Education. 20:1039–1053.
Demetriou D., Korfiatis K., & C. Constantinou (2009). Comprehending trophic relations through food web construction. Journal of Biological Education, 43: 53-59.
Hovardas T., Korfiatis K., & J. Pantis (2009). Environmental Representations of Local Communities’ Spokespersons in Protected Areas. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19: 459–472.
Nicolaou , Korfiatis K., Evagorou M., & C. Constantinou (2009). Development of decision-making skills and environmental concern through computer-based, scaffolded learning activities. Environmental Education Research, 15: 39-54.
Korfiatis Κ., Hovardas Τ., Tsaliki Ε., & J. A. Palmer (2009). Rural children’s views on human activities, and changes in a Greek wetland. Society and Natural Resources, 22: 339-352.
Evagorou M., Korfiatis K., Nicolaou Ch., & C. Constantinou (2009). An Investigation of the Potential of Interactive Simulations for Developing System Thinking Skills in Elementary School: A case study with fifth-graders and sixth-graders, International Journal of Science Education, 31: 655-674.
Korfiatis Κ. & T. Hovardas (2008). Impact of a university course on pre-service teachers’ conceptions about environmental issues and environmental education. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2: 19-37.
Hovardas T. & K. Korfiatis (2008). Framing environmental policy by the local press: Case study from the Dadia Forest Reserve, Greece. Forest Policy and Economics, 10: 316-325.
Hovardas, A. & K. Korfiatis (2006). Word Associations as a Tool for Assessing Conceptual Change in Science Education. Learning and Instruction, 16: 416-432.
Korfiatis K., (2005). Environmental Education and the Science of Ecology: Exploration of an Uneasy Relationship. Environmental Education Research, 11: 235-248.
Korfiatis K., Hovardas, T., & J. Pantis (2004). Determinants of Proenvironmental Behavior in Economies in Transition: Evidence from five European Countries, Population and Environment, 25: 563-584.
Korfiatis K., A. G. Stamou & St. Paraskevopoulos (2004). Images of Nature in the Textbooks of Elementary Schools in Greece. Science Education, 88: 72-89.
Haidarlis, M., Korfiatis, K. J., & Pantis, J. D. (2003). The legal framework for the establishment of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos: A context for the conciliation of environmental protection and economic development. Sustainable World, 6:119–128.
Paraskevopoulos St., Korfiatis K., & J. Pantis (2003). Social Exclusion as Constraint for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Attitudes. Society and Natural Resources, 16: 759-774.
Korfiatis K., Marouga, A. & G. P. Stamou (1999). Evolutionary Ethics and the Neoliberal Framework of Social Beliefs (in Greek). Neusis, 8: 71-93.
Korfiatis K., Papatheothorou, E., Stamou, G. P., & S. Paraskevopoulos (1999). An investigation of the effectiveness of computer’s simulation programs as tutorial tools for teaching population ecology at university. International Journal of Science Education, 21: 1269-1280.
Korfiatis K. & G.P. Stamou (1999). Habitat Templets and the Changing Worldview of Ecology. Biology and Philosophy, 14: 375-393.
Stamou G.P., Stamou I.G., & K. Korfiatis (1998). From Biology Teaching to Environmental Education (in Greek). Environmental Education, 12: 11-13.
Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1995). Strategic Thought and the Development of Life-history Models in Ecology: The ‘r-K Selection’ Model (in Greek). Neusis, 2: 27-43.
Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1994). Emergence of New Fields in Ecology: The Case of Life History Studies. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 16: 97-116.